Archiv der Kategorie: Communication

Communication consists of perception, thought models and communication behavior.

Seeing is believing

For good reason have religions the tendency of demonizing pictures. The faith is threatened by information. Figurative representations have the strength to convince people that what they see is the reality. It began with symbols and drawings, which were painted on the wall in the darkest corners of caves, probably by torchlight. It continued with depictions of gods and holy stories, which could only be seen at magic locations. Then the painting entered the private households. Since each picture was an original piece of art, only a few people could afford this luxury. With the printer press and the photography all people could benefit from this new look at the world. Eventually picture and tone became easily receivable for many people with the film and television. In parallel the conviction evolved that what you see actually is – “Seeing is believing”.

The picture is however determined by conditions, which prevent that you really get a look at the reality. The three following aspects play thereby a large role.

  • Image composition
    A photo squeezes the motives from its multisensual world into a two-dimensional frame. Outside of the image margin, on the right or the left, above or below, is no component of the picture and thus invisible. The use of a wide-angle lens tears relationships apart. The telephoto compresses distributed objects and produces the impression of proximity. The film type (black-and-white or color) produces additional tendencies. The appropriate orange hue creates the impression of the seventies. In the end the picture maker does not show the reality, but he produces it with its formal possibilities.
  • Context
    The environment, where the picture is presented, creates additional meaning. The image of a driving tank in an article about the invasion in a country or in a report on liberating a region elicits a corresponding impression. Although it is the same photo, it is evaluated differently. Similar motives are likewise differently interpreted. A group of people, who walk a dirt road with suit-cases and children by the hand, can awaken different feelings – depending on whether they are refugees from Syria or the former GDR.
  • Censorship
    At the end the control bodies of a country or a newspaper determine, what you van see – or not. As soon as a decision is required for a publication, the monitoring begins. The criteria does not matter thereby, since the decision gets removed from the potential viewers – for reasons of picture quality (e.g. awkward perspective or blurring), missing importance of the photo, assumed lack of interest, or to hide undesired facts, like critical points of view, messages, or truths. The censorship is already accepted practice. It starts with the rules for good journalism and certainly does not end with embedded journalists, who report on a military action – nobody is irritated by the influence of the military on the publication.

The changeability of pictures is not an achievement of today’s Photoshop age. Pictures were always falsified. The illustration shows for example, how Stalin dealt with comrades, who were fallen in disgrace. He simply let them retouch from the pictures. The media suggests neutrality, if it speaks of the filter bubble and populist reporting. If you look and listen closer, then you hear the tendentious tone in each newscast. So-called neutral fact checking does not help any more.

Bottom line: What you see in a photo is always the result of filtering one or several aspects. This happens consciously or unconsciously, with the best hidden agenda or bad-willingly, supporting or obstructing the viewer. In any case filters are impacting, which falsify the reality. In changing a well-known saying: One cannot not falsify pictures. An indicator, which can only be checked with difficulty, is the origin of pictures – if you can find it. Thus, there is no reason to believe something, as soon as you see it.

Form follows the life cycle

The way from the idea to the finished text, with all its illustrations and formatting, follows in many cases a similar procedure – mental walkthrough, thematize, draft, formulate, and format. In each step special formats are necessary. If the thought is not yet condensed, then a clean copy still makes no sense. If you prepare formatting, then a sketch is no longer sufficient. Thus, the necessary form always follows the state in the life cycle of a text.

The following steps offer some examples.

  • Talking
    Talking is the suitable format, in order to share an idea with others. At this moment the words are found for the first time, which express the thoughts. The argumentation evolves while you are talking based on the questions of the listeners. This sharpens the idea.
    As long as the conception has not stabilized, the sophisticated explanation is not helpful, since the outline is not yet present.
  • Sketching
    The words found can now be collected and correlated. This way a sketch of the original idea slowly evolves. Now is a good moment for taking care of the vocabulary that concentrates the contents in the desired direction.
    A Mind map is an effective tool for sorting the elements and to receive a first picture of the structure.
  • Designing
    Based on the sketch the raw version of the text can now be created. In this step the shape of script is compiled. The headings, a first rhythm of the paragraphs and graphical ideas appear.
    At the latest now the application of a text processing provides a lot of advantages. If there are already general formats for the headings, paragraphs and images, it facilitates the subsequent work, even if these are not the final formats.
  • Elaborating
    At any time the elaboration of the final texts and pictures begins. The contentual, common themes that will be used become conclusively fixed e.g. which metaphor fields or which constant illustration style (e.g. photo, diagrams, and cartoons) you want to use. From now on contents are taken with a pinch of salt and brought into the final condition.
    You are still not in the intended format. But the ultimate contents should now be formulated and arranged to over 95%.
  • Formatting
    In order to eventually format it is necessary to decide the target format – A4-PDF, E-Book, printing book (A5, standard book, text book A4). This leads to the requirements of the concluding format. The footers, cross references, frames, and additionally the imprint, blurbs etc. require now the conclusive text.
    You see for the first time, how the end state will look like. The concluding checks and the last contentual changes are accomplished in this format.

During the production there is no way back. The print copies fall out of the printing process and can only be changed with much effort. Changes can only be integrated by pasting corrections over the wrong parts, by putting some pages manually into the text or by correcting the next edition. Depending upon the size of the edition the preparation needs more or less accuracy.

The largest mistake in the procedure to be made is skipping a step. If for example an illustration is immediately finalized without scribbles. Or, if in the absence of ideas, the formats are prepared at an early stage. Nobody develops a concept from scratch in one go to the final contents. The formats prevent the free flow of ideas.

Bottom line: Each step in the development of new topics has its best format. From talking, to sketching, to outlining, to elaborating, to formatting there is always a format. The discussion facilitates a kneading of the own thoughts; the sketch creates the draft structure free of complicated formulations; the elaboration of the topic is facilitated by an appropriate text processor; most of the programs support all possibilities of formatting.
If a format is used too early in the procedure, it slows down the development. Contentual elaboration is the obligation; the format is the free style. Therefore: The form follows the status of the life cycle of a text – and not the text the format.