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The blind spot of sales promotion

The chances of the Internet make everyone a possible vendor of products and services. It leads to confusing offers and a lack of demand in your outcomes. Therefore, you fight with all means for awareness. To stand out from the flood of competitors, legions of advisers offer help regarding Social Media, SEO, Chat Bots, Affiliate, Influencer and Online Marketing, and more. They promise a growing sales funnel and thus make more revenue. However, all these means are void as long as their vie for leads drive the sending offers at any cost as well as the SEO design does not create anything but ongoing work, charges, and the loss of self-confidence in your deliverables.

Too many PR efforts create a blind spot that even the best promotional efforts cannot address – the inadequate design of your deliverables.

  • Focus on the wrong thing – better sharpen the product range
    There is no question that promotion has a significant impact on sales. However, Henry Ford already knew: You cannot build up a reputation on what you are going to do. In our fast-paced times, entrepreneurs seem to put the cart before the horse. They design mesmerizing promotions for an offer that is stuck in the providers’ minds. Coming up with the slogan consumes time and energy – remember, without having a presentable deliverable. At the same time, customers pay for your offer – be aware, they are not willing to pay more for something due to the effort required for sales promotion.
    For this reason: Before you get bogged down in advertising, make your products and services sellable – the baker first makes the rolls before praising them.
  • Distraction through SEO – better conduct personal customer conversations
    The real purpose of advertising is to increase sales – not to attract additional visitors to your website. The presumption that the clever design of the website and especially the keywords will generate further business through the increased number of visitors is more wish than reality. A car repair shop with limited parking spaces and a fixed number of employees cannot process more vehicles at will. Therefore it does not need more traffic on the website, but rather more interaction with its regular customers. In contrast, an advisory office can better adapt to a growing number of orders. Through clever marketing, it taps into and ultimately serves new customer groups and a more extensive scope. However, it is futile to advertise as long as the deliverables are not prepared coherently. SEO is a one-way street that does not provide new insights. Only through the mutual exchange with your customers, you learn where and how you can become better.
    For this reason: Save SEO time and money and instead involve the customers in the further development of your deliverables – you discover your weaknesses and can offer at the same time additional and higher-quality outcomes.
  • Tough in presentation, banal in matter
    According to Microsoft, the attention span of Internet users is eight seconds – then they move on to the next page. However, this duration says nothing about whether a link was clicked by chance or people searched for exactly your content. You should be aware that you only read this bullet point up to here and only understand it 70-80%. Potential buyers skim the content for their keywords. If they do not find what they are looking for or are distracted by something else, they move on and are gone. However, if you catch their attention, they start reading carefully. After all, they want to make an investment – the more it costs, the longer they are ready to read the enticing explanations that clarify your skills. The superficial appearance of most web pages arouses doubts in readers – all show and no substance. By describing your deliverables too shallowly, you have missed the chance to win a customer who is already with you. Stick to the old design rule Form follows Function – sharpen your ax before you chop wood.
    For this reason: No one judges a car only by its body – make sure that all the components of your offering fit together and perform as expected.

Bottom line: Understandably, you struggle to create an attractive external image – especially if you are not working to capacity. However, the problem is rarely a weak web presence. Convincing websites are available off the shelf. A few clicks and the company colors and logo are incorporated. The good news is that these standards make it easy for customers to navigate your offerings. If you are using the same headlines repeatedly (e.g., Better – Faster – Farther – Cheaper), you are not setting yourself apart from your competitors. The difference that makes the difference is a description of your unique capabilities. If this view on the tip of the iceberg of your achievements is then based on appropriately prepared procedures, the moment has come to apply skillfully. In this case, Henry Ford’s insight counts: Half the money I spend on advertising is waste, and the problem is I do not know which half. However, get into the blind spot of your sales promotion first – the products and services. That is what your customers are ready to pay for.

Volatile meaning

A few people will find a book in their bookcase that they cannot decipher. As long as one does not know Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or Greek, one has no choice but to look for someone who can read, understand and transfer the scripture into an understandable language. The meaning of the hieroglyphs could only be deciphered in the Rosetta stone, in which a text was engraved as hieroglyphs, demotic and ancient Greek symbols among each other. There are books like the Voynich manuscript that could not be understood in the past six hundred years. Eventually, we realize that meaning can evaporate without translators, explainers, or experts – what a text means; how to make or use a tool; what purpose a monument like Stonehenge pursued; or how other people see the world.

With the current search for truth and the attempt to regulate language within the framework of political correctness, questions arise regarding meaning.

  • What is the meaning?
    Meaning is the very essence of people, things, locations, eras, and ideas. It is about the characteristics, the material, and immaterial characters of everything – what we perceive, think, exchange with each other, and do. These can be memories from the past, expectations about the future, and all sorts of abstract concepts. Means of expression are primarily words, images, haptics, smells, and tastes, or a mixture of these, like systems that are consciously or unconsciously shaped or emerge on their own. Meaning can be an idea, a theme, a concept/model, a plan, or a realization and describes
    – building blocks that make up the whole,
    – relationships between the building blocks,
    – processes that consist of individual steps and have beginnings and ends,
    – qualities that describe the merit of the named components,
    – as well as all other aspects that go beyond everyday worldly wisdom.
    To paraphrase Ludwig Wittgenstein: Meaning … is what an explanation of meaning explains” (PI560).
  • Where do we find meaning?
    Meaning is found everywhere and always in people and things. The essence of people comes from their outer appearance, social situation, visible and psychological behavior, relationships, and social impact. Things contain meaning through form, function, and their prestige. However, only people can make meaning visible since there is no tangible entity containing meaning with the essence of everything. It takes observers to interpret and communicate meaning – without ancient Egyptians and especially the Rosetta Stone, it would not be possible to access the meaning of hieroglyphics until today. The context provides further clues – the time reference (yesterday, today, tomorrow), the place, or the culture.
  • How do we acquire meaning?
    We perceive our environment with our senses: visually, auditory, kinesthetically, olfactory and gustatory. The pathway into our consciousness is still unclear. In the end, external stimuli expand the mental models that everybody has. In the so-called first-person perspective, each person thinks for itself. The resulting thoughts are only accessible to the respective self. Exchange of views is only possible by providing personal interpretations and transferring associations of the deep structure into the surface structure (e.g., language, images, or sounds). In the process, the message is distorted, generalized, and parts are deleted. The recipients perceive everything with their senses and open it up again for themselves. The meaning is created in the mind of each person. Due to the first-person perspective, however, it can never be verified since it can only be conveyed to others via the distorted statements of the surface structure (see meta-model of language).
  • What is explained by meaning?
    In general, we associate meaning with information and knowledge. Only sensually perceptible stimuli and data are tangible – written documents, pictures, films, sound recordings, things and the like, as well as digital data (e.g., 01001101011001011011010110010100001010). Information results from data that have meaning (e.g., memes – human behavior analogous to genes). When many pieces of information come together, knowledge is formed (e.g., memetics is the study of information and culture based on an analogy to Darwinian evolution). Once knowledge creates beliefs that enable decisions and evaluations, then we speak of wisdom (e.g., Viral marketing exploits the insights of memetics). Meanings resonate at all levels, providing circumstances with beings.
  • Lost in meaning?
    As soon as we leave the first-person perspective and speak of shared meaning, we always deal with the lowest common denominator. And since the rest, i.e., the understanding of the individual, is inaccessible, we have to live with the fact that there are countless interpretations (i.e., meanings) for everything. All for themselves are right. Therefore, for us to understand each other better, it is not enough to distribute our surface structure unedited, but we must shape our messages in such a way that counterparts can understand them – by using their language and jargon, familiar symbols, and so on. Analogies that make the fuzziness manageable supports this. Now, if we can manage to accept other opinions for what they are, filtered statements of first-person perspectives, we will not be Lost in Meanings.

Bottom line: Understanding what meaning is, where we find it, how we can reveal it, and by what it is represented, then it quickly becomes apparent that meaning without people hopelessly vanishes. The Voynich manuscript is a good example. It is physically available, but no human can interpret the signs and images. Whether it means anything, and if so, what is unattainable for the moment. However, this bound parchment has been shown to survive for centuries. To what extent our current flood of data lying on IT storage devices will survive the next one hundred years is pure speculation. Or, in other words, the meanings contained in all these people and things are ephemeral because they do not survive time. The Voynich manuscript, however, has shown us that the meanings of tangible data are also volatile.