Schlagwort-Archive: Results

Verbal Smoke Bombs

In times of the continuous production and distribution of news, the attention of the target group is the most important currency. Negative novelties damage in this context particularly people, who depend at most on the public opinion: Politicians and the stock market.


They need regularly formulations that let them appear in positive light. The following approaches are used, if the actual news is mediocre or even bad.

  • Proclaiming normality
    Sometimes things happen that do not correspond with expectations. Then, they simply make normality out of the current situation. „It is completely normal that… “
  • Focusing on positive results
    At the end of a project a positive impression evolves by describing the results and by concealing shortcomings.  They make successful partial results to the overall success of the project. “We achieved the following results.”
  • Demonstrating decisiveness
    They show resoluteness by deciding explicitly something banal and emphasizing it. The target group will mainly remember the decisiveness – „We decided unanimously to reflect about further steps“
  • Complaining about the lack of information
    They do not want to face a negative fact. In this case they doubt the existence of the problem due to the lack of information. “We are lacking the complete information.”
  • Planning pro-active action
    If the truth cannot be denied, they announce a plan that will provide new insights in a near future. „We installed a task force for… “

If you do not want to lose your credibility, be more specific and avoid these vague formulations.