Schlagwort-Archive: Change

Change requires the right level of suffering

Amazing changes happen in nature, the so-called metamorphosis. In the course of this, creatures turn naturally from one status in a different one. In companies, the management takes care of these kinds of transformation. What triggers these kinds of changes?


A tadpole is changing into a frog. A caterpillar is changing into a butterfly. The environment defines the trigger and the duration of these mutations. Thus stimulates the lack of oxygen in caterpillar hormones that triggers the skinning.

Shortages also cause changes in an enterprise. As soon as the respective level of suffering is reached, reshaping is possible. The driver of change create ‘pain’ in the areas of

  • Technology
  • Culture
  • Organization
  • Economy.

These exogenous influences create the need for change and are not controlled by the company. It can only react to it. The disturbance that the driver of change effect, reach the staff sooner or later. On this basis, the readiness of the involved people to change increases and allows the far-reaching redesign of self-image, business model or strategy (click here for more). All it takes now is a smart guidance of the change and metamorphosis happens.

Bottom-Line: Initiatives of change are lacking momentum, understanding and readiness of the people without the right level of suffering.