Schlagwort-Archive: Terms

Join the contract, quit the contract – Good riddance

Many services are offered today as a membership. It starts with the fitness center around the corner, is valid for a membership in an automobile association, up to a subscription with Netflix. In order to benefit from the advantages of the membership, you sign a contract. As soon as you do not pay or even cancel, the agreed advantages are lost. You can join the contract without delay, but also quickly quit the contract – Good riddance.


This is valid for all, but perhaps some believe that this is not valid for them, as you can see from the expectations of the British. They actually believe that they quit (which they did not do yet) and nevertheless are able to further use the advantages of the European Union – of course without the appropriate obligations. Although contracts are always defined the same way.

  • Terms
    Here you specify, how long the offer remains in full force and effect. As soon as the period has expired, a vendor is no longer bound to offer the deliverables with the indicated conditions. With the exit of the British it is rather the matter that the BREXIT will take at least over two years. Since David Cameron refuses tactically quitting the contract, it is open, when the exit period really starts. For the time of being, they are a member.
  • Conditions
    It is unclear, which conditions are valid, as soon as they quit. On the one hand England is then any longer part of the EU, but additionally not yet outside. What this means for payments, liabilities, laws, and so on will be clarified in the upcoming negotiations. Thus, the British still have another grace period, in order to adjust themselves to the loss of the European rights. For the rest of Europe nothing else remains to be done as to use the time for executing the relocation of banks, enterprises and institutions as well as to build up new tactical economic sites.
  • Rights
    The contracting parties lose with the cancellation at latest after two years the rights that resulted from the contract. It starts with fiscal arrangements, goes across import and export barriers as well as the loss of full say in European decisions, to the freedom of the citizens to travel. Swiss can tell a lot of not being involved in the agreements.
  • Conflict resolutions
    The question is, how it will be proceeded in case of conflict. England will become a non-European location, comparable with those countries, which yet did not achieve to make agreements with Europe. While it is clearly regulated so far, where legally obligatorily disputes are solved, in the future almost insurmountable walls arise that at least let the costs explode in the economic exchange. It is unlikely that this will be to the disadvantage for Europe. The luxury goods will be more expensive, but this should not be really a problem for the wealthy people in England. When this legal security gets lost, is not yet foreseeable.

Each golf and tennis court is prepared to allow non-members to their courses. The players cannot avoid paying an extra fee after they waited patiently in the line, in order to be let in at all. This should be clear for the Englishmen.

Bottom line: The current state is actually simple. The English want to withdraw. Okay. As island people they are used to go their own ways. In this case, it should be guaranteed by the European politicians that no back doors are opened that would be paid eventually by the EU citizens. Let us hope that the correct measures were already introduced, to take the European Union-relevant elements off from England and to re-activate the border barriers. Join the contract, quit the contract – Good riddance!

Additional meaning is between the lines

Not only since the Internet there is the tendency to ever shorter texts. Blog posts provide facts, opinions and gossip with less than 1000 words. In extreme cases a Tweet compresses expressions into 140 characters. Thus, it will be more and more important to be aware that a text contains only a part of the meaning. Additional meaning is between the lines.

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The steps to this additional sense go over questions concerning the following aspects.

  • Intentions
    Each text is written with a certain intention that does not necessarily reveal itself in the text. If somebody describes drawbacks, like for example the U.S. in the course of the Volkswagen crisis, then the text conveys noble reasons, like the protection of the environment or the consumers. If one could see behind the scenes, then perhaps the true intentions would become visible – influencing the automobile market or damaging the European economy in favor of the U.S.
    The question that arises is: What are the true intentions of the writer?
  • Concepts and terms
    The words that are used in a text, are coming out of the mind of the author, which he learned through concepts and terminologies. In German, new terms can be quickly created by simply combining two nouns, like e.g. joy and hunger to joy hunger. But the resulting word will be incomprehensible to some and understandable to others. If the word is used in the context of psychology, another association emerges, as if one finds it in a cook book. Eventually one cannot know, what the writer originally meant. The appropriate questions are:
    In which context are the words used? What do the words mean?
  • Standards
    All texts evolve in a cultural context with certain standards. If an American writes a text, then the individual is always in the limelight – the American dream stimulates for special performance. In Asian countries the text is created in the context of social relationships – the stimulus results from the obligations for the community.
    The suitable question is: Which standards push the meaning into which direction?
  • Way of writing texts
    The production of texts can be very different. Hand written words from the ivory tower have another character, than sentences written by hand in a coffee shop, or typed with a typewriter, or entered into a computer or spoken into a tape recorder. The same is also valid with the text interpretation – read or listened. According to the procedure, texts have a more or less well structured story line as well as a respective consistency of the thoughts.
    The questions are: Where and how was the text created?
  • Feelings
    “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” Ludwig Wittgenstein finished with this sentence his Tractatus Philosophicus. And this is where we find the limits of expression. Feelings that move us and that we do not have a word for, cannot be expressed accordingly with words. Nevertheless they affect the flow and the conclusions that are written or are omitted in the text.
    The associated question is: What was the mood of the author?

Bottom line: In summary, a text is much more than the sum of its words. In most of the cases it will be difficult to determine those additional backgrounds. Perhaps at least a part might be discovered, by imagining additional meaning between the lines.